Mighty Thoughts

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I’m getting married!

It’s always a wonderful feeling when you enter a new phase in life. I recollect the first days from the different phases of my life; from a school going obedient (self proclaimed!) kid; to a college free bird; to a workaholic professional (?). And now, (man!) I am getting married and entering a new phase again. I don’t know what’s in store for me in this phase. But I am a strong believer of the “probability theory”. I have enjoyed all of my previous phases. By all means, I hope the same.

I can still vaguely remember my first day in school. The teacher was trying to entertain us. She had a bottle of ink and cut okra (ladies finger). We need to dip the cut okra in the ink and make marks on white sheets. When it was my turn, I spilled the whole bottle of ink on my teacher. I didn’t know to feel bad then. Now I feel bad not because I messed my teacher’s day but because if I do this now, it may haunt me for atleast a week. People say I am a grown up :(. Anyway, the saga continues even today. I have such hasty hands. Quite often, I spill water in restaurants, pull electronic gadgets down from the desk when the loose cables find my hasty legs and the list never ends. But I don’t complain. I accept and try to be careful.

I still remember my first day in college when my seniors advised that I have joined the second best college in India. CITians know why? It’s the damn ‘C’ instead of ‘I’ in my college name. I blindly believe it till date. I am not worried about what others say.

On the first day of my job, LOL, I remember banging myself on the entrance glass door not realizing that there was a door. I have seen birds hit on the window glass quite often and I feel am not the only one to do this mistake. All I can say is my childhood saga continues.
Now, I am looking forward for my first DAY (wondering why in CAPS? The dirty minds would have caught by now) of my next phase in life as a married man!!!

"We do not remember days; we remember moments."
-Cesare Pavese, The Burning Brand


  • Congrats Mani!
    - Selva

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:50 PM  

  • Great Work Dude!!! Surprised to see that you had remembered(atleast vaguely) so many incidents, though I am SURE you will certainly remember the next one ;) By the way there is nothing dirty abt the NIGHT!!!!

    Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. - George Carlin

    This if you have a dirty mind can understand it better!!!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:12 PM  

  • Thanks Selva! Its been long since we communicated.

    Thanks Mithra! You are damn right... I better watch my hasty hands.

    Thanks Parthi! Nice quote there bud. It reminds me of the movie Kushi though :)

    Thanks Arun! I thought I am a bit old, but you made me feel like I am ancient with your history philosophy. Just kidding! One thing for sure, if I try to be brave and succeed I may create history dude!

    By Blogger Mani, at 12:25 AM  

  • congrats!

    birds and windows though.... check out http://www.birdsandbuildings.org and flap.org
    (feel free to pester me at http://www.livejournal.com/~windowbird if you have questions/comments..)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:03 AM  

  • debt consolidation

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:05 PM  

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