Mighty Thoughts

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I’m getting married!

It’s always a wonderful feeling when you enter a new phase in life. I recollect the first days from the different phases of my life; from a school going obedient (self proclaimed!) kid; to a college free bird; to a workaholic professional (?). And now, (man!) I am getting married and entering a new phase again. I don’t know what’s in store for me in this phase. But I am a strong believer of the “probability theory”. I have enjoyed all of my previous phases. By all means, I hope the same.

I can still vaguely remember my first day in school. The teacher was trying to entertain us. She had a bottle of ink and cut okra (ladies finger). We need to dip the cut okra in the ink and make marks on white sheets. When it was my turn, I spilled the whole bottle of ink on my teacher. I didn’t know to feel bad then. Now I feel bad not because I messed my teacher’s day but because if I do this now, it may haunt me for atleast a week. People say I am a grown up :(. Anyway, the saga continues even today. I have such hasty hands. Quite often, I spill water in restaurants, pull electronic gadgets down from the desk when the loose cables find my hasty legs and the list never ends. But I don’t complain. I accept and try to be careful.

I still remember my first day in college when my seniors advised that I have joined the second best college in India. CITians know why? It’s the damn ‘C’ instead of ‘I’ in my college name. I blindly believe it till date. I am not worried about what others say.

On the first day of my job, LOL, I remember banging myself on the entrance glass door not realizing that there was a door. I have seen birds hit on the window glass quite often and I feel am not the only one to do this mistake. All I can say is my childhood saga continues.
Now, I am looking forward for my first DAY (wondering why in CAPS? The dirty minds would have caught by now) of my next phase in life as a married man!!!

"We do not remember days; we remember moments."
-Cesare Pavese, The Burning Brand

Monday, July 11, 2005


Yesterday, I moved to a new cubicle not far from my old one. This morning, when I went to work, I went straight to my old cubicle. Boy! I have been sitting in that old cubicle for just 8 months. Still, I went there to say "Hi" to my old desk :) I could not help thinking on my way to the new cubicle on how we get institutionalized in today's world with our daily routines and more routines. You remember in the movie "The Shawshank Redemption", what Red (Morgan Freeman, who is on parole after few decades in prison) feels when his store manager tells him not to ask his permission to piss?... "Forty years I've been asking permission to piss. I can't squeeze a drop without say-so".

Monday, July 04, 2005


"Give me a place to stand and a lever strong and big enough and I can move the world"

Archimedes, Greek mathematician and engineer who ran outside into the streets naked screaming after the discovery of Archimedes principle (law of buoyancy) said the above lines. Thought that his thought is a “mighty thought” that I can post to wake up from my nap from blogging!!!


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