Mighty Thoughts

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Running is a passion - 2

If we have to stay on course with any training schedule, the key is to stay injury free. So, don't forget to stretch before and after the run. If you are in a hurry, you may skip stretching before the run, but NEVER after the run. Everyone's body is little different, my problem area is shin. So, I make sure I specially stretch my calf muscles. If any particular area is giving you trouble. pay special attention to it. I once had to take 3 weeks off from running because of shin splints. Costly lesson - prevention is better than cure! There are several ways to stretch, so pick whatever works for you, but don't skip! Cross training is equally important to stay injury free.

Working the same set of muscles everyday causes wear and tear.  Let's be honest, there are days we just feel like taking it easy. On those days, instead of skipping the workout altogether,  just walk slowly with incline set to ~5. There is no better way to strengthen the thigh and calf muscles that walking uphill. Even better, walk (or slow jog) backwards. Also, I recommend to get some weights (5-10 lbs dumbbells) from Sports Authority or somewhere and work your arm muscles and shoulder muscles. Or just carry the weight over your shoulders when you do slow walking.

The above two things are too important to ignore. As we put too much focus on miles and pace, we tend to disregard these. I can give first hand info, ignoring them is recipe for injury.


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