Mighty Thoughts

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Bye Bye Chicago!

Chicago welcomed me a year back with a big middle finger. I moved for my job from the racing capital (Indy) to Chicago last year around this time. It was my first day there. I was casually driving my good old Pontiac Grand AM looking around and enjoying the beauty of the city. To prove the point that I am in a city, this incident happened. I was not more than a second late to step on the gas at the lights after the green light turned on. A typical Chicago girl behind me in a sports car rudely honked and showed her middle finger before passing me in a flash second. I hated the city life where everyone is constantly in a hurry. I liked living in Indy better because it is a small town. Today, I moved from Chicago to a small town in New Jersey. Now, you will think I am a happy man to have moved to a small town. No! I miss the city life. How strange? Is it because I got institutionalized to the city life?


  • Thank God, the city is saved from you. Bye Bye Mani!!

    All the best.

    - Parthi

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:22 PM  

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